
The Captain or Master is the highest ranked officer onboard. Although many Mates are licensed masters, seniority and experience is the only way to get a command of one's own. Befitting his rank, the Captain has the largest and most gracious quarters of any of the crew. He is the only member of the crew to have two separate rooms. He also has his own private entry to the Pilot House. His outer room is his office. Guests have direct access to the Captain (and vice verse) via the Upper Lounge. The Captain's sleeping quarters are adjacent to the office.

Duties: Although the Captain never stands watch, he is in complete command of the boat and has final say in all decisions related to boat policy, as well as ultimate responsibility for the vessel, its cargo, and its crew. During foul weather, docking, or transiting rivers and canals, the Captain is required to be in the Pilot House. In the earlier days of shipping, the Captain was responsible for arranging the loads the boat would pick up. During the time the Mather sailed, these decisions fell to the company while the Captain commanded the ship.

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