
Watchmen are one step above Deckhand in the Deck Department ladder. In the past, the Deck Watch was an interim step in rank between Deckhand and Watchman. The Deck Watch was typically a senior Deckhand or junior watchman who took an AB (able-bodied seaman) test to qualify for watchman duties. The Deck Watch position no longer exists.

Duties: The Watchmen have more responsibilities than the Deckhand. There are three Watchmen who work watches of four hours on and eight hours off, around the clock. They perform the duties suggested by their name would suggest. Basically, they are lookouts. On the open water they perform cleanup work or help the deck gang. While entering and leaving port and in rivers they acted as lookouts at the bow, where they could watch for various river and docking hazards. They serve as an extra set of eyes for the Captain. Watchmen also handle anchoring operations under direction of one of the licensed Mates. At docks, the Watchmen stand the ladder and aft docking winch watch, identifying all sailors and guests coming and going, along with assisting with their packages.

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