Station VS. Guided Tours

Comparison between Station and Guided Tours Formats
at the SS William G. Mather Museum

Station Tours
Guided Tours
Description Visitors move on a prescribed route receiving interpretation from guides stationed at key junctures for the entire tour experience Visitors are led by one guide interpreter on a prescribed route throughout their tour experience
Tour Length 45'-90' with 60' average 60'-90' with 75' average
Visitor Perspective

  Encounter different perspectives, expertises
  Changes frequently, stimulating
  Sense of discovery§ Freedom, flexibility

  Can get lost readily, miss info. and sections
   Info. disjointed - hard to see big picture

  Establish a relationship with Guide
  Continuity, completeness
  Wayfinding much better
  Guide can reassure, prompt

Pace inflexible to individual needs, interests
  Experience only one individual's knowledge, style

Museum Perspective

  More flexible to walk-in visitor fluctuations
  Smaller staff can provide min. coverage
  Can place expertise in best location

  Harder to control visitor experience, safety, and security
  Message disjointed - no momentum

  Guide provides watchful presence - monitors safety and security
  More thorough, even coverage
  Affords flexibility needed for volunteer scheduling

  Cannot accommodate attendance fluctuations readily
  More expensive for minimum coverage

Interpreter Perspective

  Not as physically taxing
  Develop an expertise and comfort for particular sections (ideal for new Docents)

  Due to traffic flow, hard to give visitors needed attention since other visitors may come upon the scene and need briefing
  Hard to control quality/amount of information for each visitor
  Interpretation tends to be more perfunctory, rote

Establish a relationship with a group
  Can develop material throughout tour
  Can give a bigger picture

  Much more weather sensitive, especially if covering an outside station
  Physically taxing
  Could be stuck with problematic visitors for a longer time.


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