VALLEY STORY (A 40TH ANNIVERSARY SERIES) PART 15 The Sense-Ational Circus featured two characters -- The Ringleader (basically our scientist) and Twenty-Twenty the clown (she wore his glasses on the back of her head because hindsight is always twenty-twenty!) Of course, the play revolved around the 5 senses. But the big point was that theres always one sense that nobody thinks about -- the BRAIN which makes all the others work. On working on the brain section
of the play, we decided we needed to have a way to make people understand
the size of the brain. So we got a mathematician to calculate the size
of the brain and what that would equal in terms of length if the brain
were made like a roll of toilet paper! Then we cut a ribbon the appropriate
length put it on a roller and inserted it inside a skull. Twenty-Twenty
would then ask the kids how long they thought the brain was. Shed
get all sorts of interesting answers like Three minutes or
six months! After everyone gave up, shed tell them the
exact length and then shed pick a kid from the audience to help
her show everyone how long that really was. Twenty-Twenty and her new
helper would then take the skull all the way out to the lobby. Shed
open the skull and the child would unwind the ribbon taking his end back
to the audience. It was a great visual and people would get up to go see
where Twenty-Twenty actually was. It was truly a Sense-Ational moment!
To be continued ...
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