tip our hats to all the groups and individuals who are supporting
our Grandma Gatewood Project!
Donors A - L
Stephen Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Allan
Ms. Pam Ameling
Ms. Charlita Anderson
Ms. Teresa Antonopoulos
Carola & David Bamberger
Mr. Tony Barrett
The Baseball
Heritage Museum
Ms. Carolyn Beears
Ms. Donna Benzing
Bill & Janet Bird
Mr. Glen Blair
Mr. Warren Blazy
Mr. Brian Bloom
Ms. Pam Bolger
Ms. Laura Bowser
& Jere Boyer
Ms. Susan Brewer
Lisa and Russ Brohl
Ms. Amy Brown
Bob & Ruth Brown
Dana Brown
Mark & Loree Speedy Bowers
Ms. Estelle Rodis Brown/Sky High Publicity
Mr. Foster Brown
Buckeye Trail Association
Ms. Donna Burruss
Ms. Helen Bushby
Ms. Alice Calhoun
Ms. Judith Campbell
Ms. Laurie Chase
Ms. Susan I. Coburn
Mr. Matthew Collings
Ms. Dyan Colpo
Ms. Lisa Connolly
Tina Crawford
Community College
Ms. Juantia E. Dailey
Ms. Josephine Davis
Ms. Diane DeFazio
In Memory of Gladys E. DeLuga
Ms. Cari Cremeans Duval
Ms. Sherry Ellenwood
Mr. James Etherington
Roy P. Fairfield
Ms. Karen Farmer
Mr. Richard Feldmann
First Church Women
Mr. Pete A. Foglietti
Ms. Jessica Fox
Mr. Jeon Francis
Mr. Gary Freeman
Ms. Judith Ryder Frumker
Ms. Allison Gallaher
The Gallia County
Charitable Foundation
Carol Gartman
Ms. Betty Gatewood
Mr. Carl Gatewood
Mr. Mark Gatewood
Mr. Nelson Gatewood
In honor of Grandma Gatewood
Giant Eagle - Midway Mall
Ms. Cindy Gibson
Ms. Claudia Gibson
Mr. James Gilkey
Ms. Sandra Godman
Ms. Diana Gott
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Grabo
Bob Grau
Ms. Dorthy A. Grupp
Memory of Eben G. Gulick
Ms. Lynn Hall
Wes and Gail Hansen
Ms. Mary Haskins
Ms. Mary Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin G. Haywood
Ms. Linda Heiden
Martha D. Hickey
Doris Higgins
In Memory of Michael Higgins
Ms. Patty Higgins
Ms. Paulette Higgins
In Memory Sandy Hines
Ms. Kay Hoebake
Ms. Judith Hoersting
Ms. Lisa Holliday
Ms. Michelle Houts
Mr. William Hosley
Ms. Elizabeth Hubbe
Ms. Margy Huntley
Ms. Carolyn Jack
Mr. Roger A. Jorgensen
The Kabob House
Ms. Priscilla Kaczuk
Ms. Darlene Karoly
Ms. Karen Kellogg
Mr. Stephen Koeppen
Ms. D'Arcy Kovach
Cathy Krajny
Memory of Louise Gatewood LaMott
Mr. Kelly Lawrence
Ms. Lucinda Lavelli
Linwood Park Cottage Owners
Ms. Carolyn Little
Ms. Nan Livergood
Lorain County Community
Mr. Jim Lynch
received after June 30, 2015 are listed on the Eden
Valley Donation page.
Donors M - O
Gatewood Donors P - Z
Valley Company Donors
Donor List Main Page
If you
would like to support this project with a tax-deductible donation, you
can send a check made payable to Eden Valley Enterprises; 1250 East River
St., Elyria, Ohio 44035 (download
a convenient PDF form) or pay online with PayPal by pressing the "Donate"
button below. (As a not-for-profit organization under section 501(c)(3)
or the Internal Revenue Code, all donations are tax-deductible. You will
receive an acknowledgment for tax purposes.)
If your company would
like to be a corporate sponsor, you can download this special
form. For additional information or to discuss special corporate sponsorship
benefits, contact us.
You can also shop
AND support this project at ShopForYourCause.
Simply register on the site, choose Eden Valley Enterprises as your cause,
and shop! Any purchases made through this site, will provide a donation
to Eden Valley -- it's that simple!
will be posting more information about this exciting new project as it
becomes available. In the meantime, if you have any stories or memories
of your own about Emma Gatewood that you would like to share as we research
her life or if you would like to be added to our mailing list, please
contact us.
Ohio History Fund is a matching grants program funded by voluntary
contributions via Ohioans' state income tax returns and by gifts to
the Ohio Historical Society designated to the History Fund. |
Women's Fund of the Community Foundation of Lorain County |
Ohio Humanities Council is a state affiliate of the National Endowment
for the Humanities
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