An e-mail from Jan Nenadal on July 9, 2018 The story Carl likes to tell is about Capt. Frank's at the 9th Street pier. He took me there on our first date for steak and lobster (can you imagine steak and lobster on a FIRST date?). He ordered steak and lobster for me - I believe he had steak and crab legs. I'd never had lobster before. One taste and it was all over. I don't and never really have liked seafood. I can do calamari, but that's about it. So he ate my lobster - I? ate the steak. That was the only time I'd been to Capt. Frank's and with us moving out here and then the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame going in, I never have since. My favorite memories are of the Silver Grill up in Higbee's. When we would go downtown with my Mom and grandmother to do shopping, we'd always have lunch at the Silver Grill. How elegant it was. And they had a special lunch for kids, they'd bring out a small "buffett" and you would set your own table from it. I remember everyone being "dressed" Dresses, hats, white gloves. Tinkling of glassware and china, white table cloths. Real cloth napkins. It always felt so special. Occasionally lunch was at Sterling Linder Davis - way upstairs and each floor of the store had an opening where you could look all the way down to the lobby. At Christmas they had a huge tree all decorated (per Wikipedia one of largest in the US) and if you had lunch there you ate looking out that the top of the tree. That was cool, but the Silver Grill is the one that pops back into my mind from time to time. We are so casual now days and have lost that "specialness", that elegance in life. Learning which fork went with what course. Sitting up straight, no elbows on the table. Respect for others. Yeah, it was a hassle, yeah things are much more comfortable and easy now days, but I do miss that lifestyle from time to time. Jan Nenadal Return to the Lost Restaurants Stories Page Return to the Lost Restaurants Home Page
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