Steamship William G. Mather Museum

Aft End Crew

Mather -- aft end diagram

Two departments operated the aft end of the boat: the Galley and Engine Departments.

The Galley Department

  • 1-2 Guest Porters
  • 1-2 Porters
  • Second Cook
  • Night Cook (pre-1954)
  • Steward (Chief Cook)
    Note: Because of the frequent carrying of guests and no room aft, the Mather's Porters bunked forward. Usually all Porters bunked aft since they were in the Galley Department.

The Engine Room Crew
The engineering crew changed from 1925 to 1953 as the technology changed. Originally, about 19 men were needed to operate the Engine Room. Technological innovations reduced that number in 1953 (repowering) to 13 and again in 1964 (boiler automation) to 10 crew.

Engineering Position 1925 1954


Coal Passers 4 0 0
Firemen 6 3 0
Wiper 1 1 1
Oilers 4 3 3
Maintenance Man 0 1 1
Day Engineer 0 1 1
Assistant Engineer 0 1 1
Chief Engineer 1 1 1
Total 19 13 10


Tour the Aft End: