Read some great memories of these Lost Restaurants from: Jim
sent this video of his granddaughter, Nessa, reading from the book. She
obviously finds the stories fascinating! (e-mail April 9, 2022) Linda who remembers dining at Clark's Restaurant, the Forum Cafeteria and the New York Spaghetti House. (e-mail May 3, 2018) Peggie
Brown writes about
taking the BRT (Brecksville Road Transit) from Independence to downtown
Cleveland where she was treated to a frosty or had lunch at the Silver
Grille, Kresge's, Woolworths or Chef Hector's.
June 23, 2018) J.H. Flora recalls Fred Harvey restaurants in the Union Terminal area under the Terminal Tower, The Choo-Choo Lounge, Captain Frank's, Black Angus, the Rusty Scupper, the Rathskeller and Boukair's Seesweet Restaurant. (e-mail June 12, 2018) Jan Nenadal had lunch at the Silver Grill with her mom and grandmother and steak and lobster for her first date with her soon-to-be husband at Captain Frank's! (e-mail July 9, 2018) Dodi Lettus had her first date at Mills Restuarant and recalls eating at the Woolworth lunch counter (letter August 3, 2018) Judy
about her trips downtown from Bedford (e-mail
August 10, 2018) Lynette Filips sent a long e-mail taking us on a trip around downtown in the 60's and 70s (e-mail October 29, 2018) Andrea Ranta sent a long e-mail about a very BIG dessert at Boukairs. (e-mail April 11, 2020) Mary Tieri writes that in the 70's back in the day she and her friends would go lunch at Woolworth's lunch counter because it "was inexpensive." In 1973, they had a tradition that they "... always went to Captain Frank's for dinner every Friday evening. We miss that place (and) wish they would bring it back." When she was working in downtown, Mary recalled going to Pat Joyce's Tavern for lunch. She said that they had "... good food there. People were always so kind." She says, "I loved all 3 of these restaurants. Wish we could bring them back. ... Great memories of all these places. Those were the days in the '70s." (2019)
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